新年快樂 !
衷心祝福您和您的家人在新的一年裏身體健康,闔家幸福,萬事如意。 牛轉新運,牛年大吉!
一年一度的康谷新春晚會將首次在雲端拉開帷幕! 康谷中華文化協會熱烈歡迎各位光臨2021雲端春晚,共同迎接一個嶄新的牛年。
2021年2月20日星期六 7:30pm
Live Link live (7:00pm 開通,請提前上線,以免網絡超載)
Dear friends near and far,
Happy Chinese New Year!
Wish you and your loved ones a happy, healthy, and harmonious 2021!
The Conejo Chinese Cultural Association (CCCA) proudly presents the 2021 Chinese New Year Performance (CNYP) Online Gala. Together, let’s welcome and celebrate a prosperous year of the Ox!
Saturday 7:30pm, February 20, 2021
Live Link live (7:00pm online)
Look forward to seeing you all at this special CNYP!