Category Archives: Groupings

CCCA 2022 雲端春晚圆满落幕 – Great Sucess of Chinese New Year Performance

热烈祝贺康谷中华文化协会CCCA 2022云端春晚圆满成功!


晚会受到各方关注,喜爱和支持。当地市政府和学区,以及各大公司都发来专电祝贺,并给予高度赞誉, 晚会还获得了当地政府和个人、团体的大力赞助。在此,康谷华协给父老乡亲拜年,感谢朋友们多年的支持,也感谢所有的赞助者。


晚会中穿插的三轮幸运抽奖环节,总共产生了29 名幸运获奖者,其中1名二等奖,28名三等奖,奖品于晚会第二日,2/6全部发至获奖人。


The Conejo Chinese Cultural Association (CCCA) hosted the 2022 Chinese New Year Performance (CNYP) Online Gala on February 5th, Saturday night, to celebrate Year of the Tiger. The event show cased the Chinese New Year celebration traditions including music instruments, songs, and dances performed by Thousand Oaks Chinese School (TOCS) students, local communities and accomplished artists. The spring festival gathering received greetings from local city mayor, city councilmember, superintendents of school districts and local corporations.  The event was supported by grants from TOArts, Amgen and City of Westlake Village.

CCCA 2022 云端春晚预告- Chinese New Year Celebration

新年快樂 !


牛辭勝歲,虎躍新程。衷心祝福您和您的家人在新的一年裏身體健康,闔家幸福,萬事如意, 如虎添翼,虎年大吉!

一年一度的康谷新春晚會將首次在雲端拉開帷幕! 康谷中華文化協會熱烈歡迎各位光臨2022雲端春晚,共同迎接一個嶄新的虎年。

2022年2月5日星期六 7:30pm

Live Link live (7:00pm 開通,請提前上線,以免網絡超載)


Dear friends near and far,

Happy Chinese New Year!

Wish you and your loved ones a happy, healthy, and harmonious 2022!

The Conejo Chinese Cultural Association (CCCA) proudly presents the 2022 Chinese New Year Performance (CNYP) Online Gala. Together, let’s welcome and celebrate a prosperous year of the Tiger!

Saturday 7:30pm, February 5, 2022

Live Link live (7:00pm online)

Look forward to seeing you all at this special CNYP!

CCCA 2021雲端中秋同樂會:获奖名单&活动录像回放 Mid-Autumn Festival Winners& EventVideo

CCCA 2021 云端中秋同乐会有奖问答获奖名单 Questionnaires Winners List:

Youngmi Zhen, JLiu2021, 甄心怡, Lisa Lee, Loren, Ethan, Anna, Margaret Tong , Yusheng, Isabella Wang , Nishith Trivedi & Joyce , quandichen, Zhang Yu , Ruby Ji , Lina Gao , Elaine Xu , Maggie Ma , Z, Matthew , Jack Su, annie , Sandy 。

请以上获奖者发邮件到, 以便核对和发奖, 再次感谢您的参与和支持!

请注意: 上面是您在Zoom 中用的名字

CCCA 2021云端中秋同乐会录像:Mid-Autumn Fetival Celebration Video: