康谷華協講座 CCCA Seminar


從2014年11月開始,CCCA的講座系列已經舉行舉行了許多次。每次都有很多聽眾,反應熱烈。而所有的演講者也都很滿意,因為觀眾的質量高,興趣濃,互動多。在觀眾里還常看到不少平常很少參加社區活動的朋友們,更是欣慰。CCCA對社區全方位的服務,更有提昇。 講座系列請到了很多本地的專家,學者,醫生來跟大家分享他們的知識與經驗,包括了千橡市的市長及CLU的校長。大家都覺得很有收獲,而星期六早晨去CLU演講也漸變成習慣。

雖然我們巳有很多高質量的演講”庫存”,不過我們希望大家還能不停的建議新的演講者及題目,令到這個講座系列能長期的發揮價值。我們的email是: cccaseminar@gmail.com.

Attending the CCCA Seminar on Saturdays

Since November 2014, the CCCA has hosted seminars every other week.  The seminar has attracted many people in the local community.  The feedback is overwhelmingly positive due to the quality of the contents and interactive nature of the session.  Among the seminar attendees are many folks who have not participated regularly in other CCCA sponsored activities.  The seminar speakers are renowned professionals in their respective field; including medical doctors, specialists, professors, police chiefs, company executives, scholars, city mayors, school principals, etc.

We welcome your suggestions on how to enhance the seminar program, and recommendations on new topics or speakers.  Our contact email is: cccaseminar@gmail.com.