Category Archives: Groupings
CCCA 讲座通告 – Notice for CCCA Seminar Series
Thank you very much for your continued interest and support in our CCCA/CLU Seminar Series. Due to the growing concern regarding COVID-19 and in consideration of the health of our community members, we have decided to cancel the rest of our scheduled seminars through June.
Stay safe and healthy in these uncertain times. We hope to resume our seminar series in September and see your then.
United, We Fight Through CoronaVirus
感謝康谷社區各位愛心人士竭誠努力, 康谷中華文化協會已經在加州當地購買到符合醫院規格標準的物資, 並且於今日親手將九箱的物資送達領館指示的物流公司。 天馬物流即將把物資直接送達湖北黃岡中心醫院, 也是目前最緊急需要物資的醫院。CCCA將繼續跟踪這批物資, 並確認物資會送達到需要的一線醫護人員!
下周,康谷華協還會收取到更多的物資,希望大家能伸出援手, 慷慨解囊的支持以及捐款! 感謝大家!
1. PayPal, Donate/Sponsor | Conejo Chinese Cultural Association,點擊 “Donate With PayPal” , 請注名“2020 Coronavirus Donation”
2. GoFundMe, www.gofundme.com/United-WeFightThroughCoronavirus , 點擊 “Donate Now”