Category Archives: Groupings

千橡中文學校家長會已選出章智華為新會長 The TOCS PVA has elected Ms. Zhihua Zhang as the new Chairperson

千橡中文學校家長會已選出章智華為新會長.  任期2016-17學年. 章智華在過去7一直在家長會服務. 她是今年二月康谷華協新春晚會的節目總.
請向智華表示祝賀, 並支持她未來一年的任務.

The TOCS PVA has elected Ms. Zhihua Zhang as the new Chairperson for the 2016-17 school year.
Ms. Zhang has been serving the PVA for the past 7 years, and is the Program Manager for the CCCA Chinese New Year Celebration in February.
Please extend your congratulation and your support for her new tasks.

康谷中華文化中心 – 意見調查結果 Chnejo Chinese Cultural Center – survey results

到目前為止的調查結果  Up to date survey results

Click the chart to enlarge

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Opinion about the Cultural Center

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Most important task for the Cultural Center

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Motivation for joining

2016 Survey - activity selection

如果您願意參與文化中心的策劃, 請發電郵至
如果您願意捐款, 可以享受美國的稅收抵扣.  支票抬頭請寫: Conejo Chinese Cultural Association.  支票上請註明: For the Cultural Center Fund.
我們的地址是: P.O. Box 6775, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362

If you are willing to participate in the Cultural Center implementation process, please send email to: or check the CCCA website at:
For monetary donations (they are tax deductible), please make your check payable to Conejo Chinese Cultural Association and mail it to P.O. Box 6775, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362.  On the check please specify: for the Cultural Center Fund.