親愛的社區朋友們,您們好!如果您是美國公民,但尚沒有進行選民註冊:溫馨提醒您選民註冊截止日期是下週一10/24/2016。 為了您的方便,現列出網上註冊鏈接,並且鏈接有中文版本: 如果您選民註冊需要幫助,本週六數位高中學生義工將在千橡中學學校幫助您現場選民註冊。 選民註冊需要加州駕照或居民身份證,社會安全號(SSN) 最後四位數字,住址,出生日期。 另外康谷華協社區組織的候選人公眾見面會系列第二場將在本週六上午十點到十二點在中文學校舉行。 加州參議院27選區參議員候選人Henry Stern將到中文學校與社區公眾見面。 加州參議院第27選區包括Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley,Oak Park,Moorpark,Bell Canyon,Agoura Hills,Calabasas,Malibu, Westlake Village,Hidden Hills等城市和地區。非常希望您和您的家人前來參加。 如您有什麼問題或建議,請聯繫緻禮!康谷華協公民參與組————————————- Dear friends,US 2016 Election date 11/8/2016 is fast approaching. We’d like to kindly remind the voter registration deadline is this coming Monday 10/24/2016. If you are US citizen but have not yet registered to vote, we encourage you to do so before the deadline Monday 10/24/2016. Below is then-line registration linkwhere you can also find your preferred language including Chinese.For community members who need assistance in the voter registration, this Saturday (10/22) local high school students will be in Thousand Oaks Chinese School to help community members with voter registration. The following information is needed for the voter registration: California ID (driver license, or California residence ID), last 4 digits of SSN, home address, birth date.Finally tomorrow will be the second session of CCCA Civic Engagement Town Hall Series. Henry Stern, the candidate for California 27th State Senate District will come to Thousand Oaks Chinese School to meet our community members. It will be a great opportunity for you and your family to meet the local politician, to know him, express your concerns and decide your own vote.If you have any questions, please contactKevin Ding (734)674-0974 Hong Shang (805)559-0736Sincerely,CCCA Civic Engagement Group