



最近,Acorn 報導和读者来信涉及中文學校與 CVUSD 的校舍租金問題,中文學校主動聯絡學區,对學區校園租賃標準再次进行了确认核实。中文学校为此在Acorn做出了相应的澄清。有关信息可以在中文学校网站查询。中文学校网站鏈接 ...
Umngani-Connect Delivered First Tutor Video for Its Partner Ukhanyo Foundation

Umngani-Connect Delivered First Tutor Video for Its Partner Ukhanyo Foundation

Umngani-Connect Delivered First Tutor Video for Its Partner Ukhanyo Foundation As a CCCA Youth Project, Umngani(朋友)-Connect’s mission is to provide opportunities for American students to learn about the issues of poverty and international development while fostering leadership with hands-on interaction with organization from another country. Umngani-Connect is partnering with the Ukhanyo(灯火) Foundation in South Africa. Ukhanyo foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing assistance to students in South Africa who are lacking academic support due to social economic issues. This project really provides a unique opportunity for students that no others can. This week, we have finished our first ...
2020 CCCA Scholarship Winners

2020 CCCA Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to the 2020 CCCA Scholarship Winners CCCA Scholarship Program provides two types of scholarship annually to the qualified local high school seniors for their outstanding academic achievement or their remarkable community service. This year CCCA was proud to disburse $7,050 to award 16 seniors from 9 high schools in 6 school districts. The 2020 CCCA Scholarship Winners are: (Thousand Oaks High School) Maya Johnson, Eleanor Liu, Isabella Tu, (Moorpark High School) Vicky Chen, (Westlake High School) Edwin Liu, Daniel Yao, Max Li, Han Li, (Oak Park High School) Rachel Lin, Kristyn Zhang, Bordia Borijin, Newbury Park High School) Sarah Wang, (Santa Susana High School) Bryson Xiao, (Rancho Campana High School) Jennifer Hu, ...