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Conejo Chinese Cultural Association (CCCA)

康谷中華文化協會成立於1980年, 為 IRS 登記註冊有案的非營利機構. 主要功能有三:

  • 組織, 支援康谷地區華人的教育, 文化及各項活動, 聯繫華人情感.
  • 提供會員及其家屬學習中華文化的機會, 以加強對中華文化的了解及認知.
  • 代表華人團体參與康谷地區的主流社會活動, 促進文化交流.

康谷華協是一個義務服務性質的團體, 由各會員組成, 設有理事會, 及大家最熟悉的千橡中文學校. 康谷華協每年所主辦或協辦的各種活動如千橡通訊, 新春晚會, 聖誕舞會, 露營,健行, 專題演講, 公民參與活動, 球類比賽, 學生委員會, 及金齡會. 服務的規模和參與人數也在一年年的增加和擴大.

千橡中文 學校成立於1975年, 創設之初只有8位學生, 至今學生人數已超過600人, 60多位老師及職員. 除了提供基本中文課程和選修課程外, 學校也舉辦各項學術競賽及課外活動. 並積極參與地區性的文化交流.

The Conejo Chinese Cultural Association (CCCA) was established as a non-profit 501c organization in 1980.  The CCCA has been specifically created to:

  • Organize and sponsor educational, cultural, and recreational activities, and provide selected social services to its members.
  • Provide sustained instruction and training to its members and families in order to enhance awareness and appreciation of Chinese culture and language.
  • Promote and participate in cultural exchanges and civic activities representing the local Chinese-American community

CCCA has sponsored many programs including the CCCA Journal, the Chinese New Year Performance, , Christmas party, annual camping trips, hiking trips, lectures, civil engagements, exhibitions, sports tournaments, student commissions, and senior citizen services.

Thousand Oaks Chinese School (TOCS) was founded in 1975 and is now an affiliate of CCCA. TOCS has since grown to over 600 students with more than sixty teachers and staff. TOCS’s goal is to provide the best resources and opportunities for all people interested in learning the Chinese language, history, and culture. Aside from classroom learning, the students also participate in calligraphy contests, drawing contests, Chinese Jeopardy, speech/poem recitals, annual track and field meets, and summer camp.